Katrina and gun
confiscation - watch the videos - who is following their oath to support and
defend the U.S. Constitution? What will your public officials do under similar
circumstances? You need to know. Ask them before you vote.
For educational and discussion purposes:
The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina
We know that wholesale gun confiscation happened during
Hurricane Katrina. We watched the Chief of Police of New Orleans
declare on national television that “no one [no private citizen]
will be able to be armed, we’re going to take all the weapons.”
We watched an old lady being tackled in her own kitchen and disarmed.
It has been a long standing legal
obligation to disobey unlawful orders. It is not just an option, it
is a duty. As the Nazi’s learned during Nuremberg, just
following orders is no defense.