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Have you thought about it? 

What would you do if you were at the mall with your family?

(Below is for discussion purposes only. No particular course of action is recommended by these links. The purpose is merely to educate about the growing risks to law abiding American citizens who may find themselves, and their families, in such a situation. Think ahead, and have some plan of action. This may include things you wouldn't do - such as deciding that you won't turn on your cell phone). 

Suicide Bombers- Are You Ready-  Copy at

Excerpt: "

"....Other traditional policies and practices also may put officers in greater danger when confronting suicide bombers or bombs detonated by remote devices. For instance, officers confronting a dangerous situation often immediately use their radio to inform their agency of the threat and ask for assistance. Officers may not be trained to know that their radio frequency could set off a bomb and that instead, they should immediately turn off their radio. Similarly, use of a cellular phone can detonate a bomb. Officers trained to use alternative means of force, such as a Taser device, also may not know that the electrical charge of the Taser can detonate a bomb. If suspects appear to surrender, traditional training encourages officers to approach the offenders and pat them down for weapons. In the context of suicide bombers, the officers’ approach and pat-down may be the very things that increase their danger and set off the bomb.

If deadly force is used, officers are traditionally trained to shoot at the center of an offender’s body mass in order to increase the likelihood of a hit. However, a shot to the center of a suicide bomber’s body mass may be the very act that detonates the bomb carried on the bomber’s body. A shot to the center of a suicide bomber’s body mass also may, rather than immediately incapacitate the bomber, allow the bomber a few extra seconds to detonate before succumbing to the bullet. Therefore, experts recommend that when officers confront a suicide bomber, lethal force should take the form of a shot to the head rather than to the center of body mass.21..." (Note: potential problems with last alternative are also partially addressed in the article).


Ayoob on Israeli Homeland Security 1911 Style  Excerpt from Ayoob below:

"...Anyone carrying a firearm that might remotely be used for this purpose should spend plenty of time training in what is often called “surgical” shooting. The sights on the pistol should be true, that is, the gun should be perfectly sighted in to deliver the bullet’s point of impact exactly to the handgun’s point of aim.

We are talking about hitting very small body parts to instantly shut off the lethal danger which the target organism poses to a large group of innocent humans. A shot to the chest may not be enough. A man shot through the lung can stay up and running for a considerable period of time. If the brain is fully oxygenated, even a man whose cardiac function has been completely shut off by a bullet through the heart (and not every gunshot wound of the heart will shut that organ down completely) can continue purposeful, violent activity for as much as 14 or 15 seconds.

A shot to the upper central nervous system is more certain to stop violent activity immediately, but is also much more difficult to deliver. The spinal cord is only about as thick as its owner’s little finger, and is encased in a serpentine column of bone. Even a shot to the brain is not 100% guaranteed to instantly shut off the action. The only certain “instant one shot stop” is a hit to the stem area of the brain, which destroys the medulla oblongata or pons. This is in line with the ears when aimed at from the side, and with the base of the skull when the shot must be fired from behind. The external anatomic landmark for a frontal shot will vary depending upon the position of the head.

If the head is erect in the normal posture, the deep brain target will lie directly behind the nose. If the head is forward in an aggressive posture, the level of the eye sockets will be in line with the primal brain target that must be hit. If the head is thrown back as in a triumphant shout, aiming through the mouth will guide the bullet to the brain stem. ..."


Islamic Terror Attacks on American Soil -

Links are for discussion purposes. You must consult a trained professional.