Homeland Insecurity

November 9, 2017:

The Department  of  Homeland Security Bulletin advises of continuing threats to National Security.  The information is a reminder of the threats that Americans face. However, the Bulletin is sanitized. The Islamic Based Terrorist threat is not referenced.  Instead, the term “homegrown terror” is used.   Such word games deflect from the  grave threat that  America faces from the Islamic / Sharia threat, as well as communists, and others.  By branding the source of this terrorist ideology as being “grown in America”,   the element of causation is diverted to America itself. The true enemies who seek to destroy America  are given a  free pass to continue with their objective, the destruction of America.  Sharia law is a direct threat to America, our Constitution, and Bill of Rights.  Meanwhile, our Government continues to import terrorist individuals. The invasion is being conducted right under our noses, and the enemies are being placed throughout the United States.  Activation, the time and place, is left for the enemies to decide. And you, and your children, are the targets.

Be alert and vigilant. Be prepared to defend your family. And yes,  that means lawful use of firearms for defense. Moreover, get some basic medical training.

The terrorists, the enemy within,  are:

Targeting public places and events.

They make use of easy to use tools. For example:  use of vehicle ramming, small arms, straight-edged blades or knives, homemade explosives, and poisons or toxins.

They  use battlefield experiences to pursue new technologies and tactics, such as unmanned aerial systems and chemical agents.

They are targeting commercial aviation and air cargo, including with concealed explosives.

Of course, Islamic terrorists, and others, have for years promoted “Lone wolf” attacks. But, it is routine that when an attack happens, we, the “sheeple”, are told that the attackers “motive” is unknown, and that no known link to a formal terrorist group has been found.  This sounds like the same type of propaganda ministry that Hilter used to lie to the Germans about how well the invasion of Russia was going during WWII.

A copy of the National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin, is HERE.


Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma

U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp signed an emergency order allowing the seizure of private guns, ammunition, explosives and property the National Guard may need to respond to Hurricane Irma.

Read More Here

Remember: Katrina?

Gun Confiscation In New Orleans

“No one will be able to be armed. We are going to take all the weapons.”
Deputy Police Chief Warren Riley

GOA Denounces Gun Confiscations In New Orleans For Immediate Release September 9, 200

Videos from Katrina Gun Confiscations

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Hackers gain ‘switch-flipping’ access to U.S. power grid

(WIRED) IN AN ERA of hacker attacks on critical infrastructure, even a run-of-the-mill malware infection on an electric utility’s network is enough to raise alarm bells. But the latest collection of power grid penetrations went far deeper: Security firm Symantec is warning that a series of recent hacker attacks not only compromised energy companies in the US and Europe but also resulted in the intruders gaining hands-on access to power grid operations—enough control that they could have induced blackouts on American soil at will.