In your county, what is the policy on a lone officer responding to active shooters?

Specifically, what is the policy of  your County Sheriff’s Office and/ or other law enforcement (e.g., CHP) concerning a lone officer responding to the scene of an active murderer shooting children on school grounds?

Concerning the School shooting in Parkland, Fla., a retired officer from the Los Angeles Police Department had this to say:

“…the deputy assigned to the school remained outside the building as the shooting continued inside, and … three other deputies may have done so as well. …But there are questions to be asked about Deputy Peterson’s conduct that day, the most important of which is this: What is the policy of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office regarding a lone officer responding to the scene of an active shooter?

Prior to [his] retirement from the Los Angeles Police Department, [he]was a member of a squad that was specially trained and equipped to respond to active shooters. … when [he] last went through this training, the policy was for officers not to enter a building alone, but to assemble and engage a shooter in groups of four or five, … based on the assumption that a lone officer would merely become another casualty among those already wounded. This policy was adopted by police departments all over the country, perhaps even by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office.” See full story at this link:

So what is the policy of your local Law Enforcement agencies?

  1. Will a lone officer enter your local school where an active murderer is shooting children?
  2. Does the policy require law enforcement to group up (2, 3, 4 or 5 officer team) before entry?
  3. If you are in a remote area, far away from law enforcement, what happens?
  4. In California the government has outlawed a CCW holder from carrying on school grounds. In light of this, does your local law enforcement consider CCW holders (possibly provided additional training at their own cost) a resource that they are prepared to utilize? If so, how would they legally use them?
  5. What is the actual plan?
  6. What procedures would be put in place to avoid mistaken identity shootings?

We need to find out the answers to these questions before “Parkland” comes to your town.