A short video of LAPD police chase and shootout.
Some observations and lessons:
- Notice that the bad guys are exiting their vehicle and start shooting within approximately .70 seconds after their vehicle crashes into a fence (after driving backwards following a police a pit maneuver and high speed pursuit).
- Thereafter, the police start returning fire within approximately .69 seconds after bad buys had started shooting (first officer’s shot appears to left and misses).
- Police vehicle front windshield is shot multiple times.
- The bad buys start moving backwards while still firing as the police now aggressively move into the threat with now well aimed gun fire and stop the threat. What would you have done?
- When out in public, you don’t know who is in the other car.
- If you get into a road rage incident, this could be who you are up against.
- Be alert, be courteous, and if someone “pisses you off”, let it go.
- The gun fight took place with homes located at both ends of the fields of fire. Thus, if you are at home and hear nearby gun fire, part of your defensive plan should include seeking cover. Stray bullets will go through walls and windows.
- Also notice the foreign invasion flag in the background.
Link to video is here: